Hi, I’m

Arlene McCoy

Former Designer And Developer. I design and code beautifully simple things and i love what i do.

Hire Me


Complete Projects


Average Rating


Happy Clients
Product Design
Product Design
UX/UI Design
UX/UI Design

Years Of Experience

About Me

Design is My Passion, Which Create Me More Professional.

I have10+years of experiences in this design field for give you better services.

Posuere vestibulum feugiat a scelerisque aliquam id in neque. Commodo aenean non enim lacus eleifend. Semper amet facilisis tempor consequat aliquet vel elementum faucibus. Ac vel enim viverra id tincidunt imperdiet nisl auctor odio. Dignissim habitant volutpat viverra quis.

  • Vestibulum nisl tempor enim pretium vulputate venenatis.
  • At donec interdiet adipiscing veptubtl cursus.


My Education & Experience

2020 - Present

Former Designer & Developer

ABC Design Agency, London

2018 - 2020

Lead Designer & CEO

Magnificence TOP, London

2016 - 2018

Junior Designer & Intern

Fastoy Agency, London

2012 - 2016

BSC Degree of Visual Design

Cambridge University


Website Design


App Design


Graphic Design


Dashboard Design


My Specializations

Website Design

I have complete 125+ websitedesign for my happy clients.

Mobile App Design

I have complete 125+ websitedesign for my happy clients.

Web App Design

I have complete 125+ websitedesign for my happy clients.

Branding Design

I have complete 125+ websitedesign for my happy clients.

Graphic Design

I have complete 125+ websitedesign for my happy clients.

UX/UI Design

I have complete 125+ websitedesign for my happy clients.


My Featured Projects

I have done much more project. Most of them my clients love so much. I think you also like them.


What Clients Says

Kristin Watson

Content Writer

“Purus eget consectur massa amet. Hactor bodiam suspendie faucibus posuere dignissim amet to atthe. Vitaer of sollicitudin mauris erat odio maecenas mattis praesent.Eget vitaoe magna condimentum tristique scelerisque”

Watson Kristin

Content Writer

“Purus eget consectur massa amet. Hactor bodiam suspendie faucibus posuere dignissim amet to atthe. Vitaer of sollicitudin mauris erat odio maecenas mattis praesent.Eget vitaoe magna condimentum tristique scelerisque”


My Pricing Plan


$125 / Per Month

  • Support 6 months
  • Work with both weekends
  • Design with Figma
  • Don't need wireframe or anything
  • Remote/Online
  • Your project always be priority
Choose Plan

$125 / Per Month

  • Support 6 months
  • Work with both weekends
  • Design with Figma
  • Don't need wireframe or anything
  • Remote/Online
  • Your project always be priority
Choose Plan

$425 / Per Month

  • Support 12 months
  • Work with both weekends
  • Design with Figma
  • Don't need wireframe or anything
  • Remote/Online
  • Your project always be priority
Choose Plan


Lets Work Together!

Contact Info

241 Royal Mesa, New Jersey

Email Address



+(684) 555-0102